We are excited to announce the latest CAS 360 update!
- Click here to check out the full CAS 360 release notes.
- Click here to join the conversation in the BGL Community.
What's New?
Full Company Register Set: We have added the ability for you to prepare all company registers in one single process. The full Company Register set can be exported for multiple companies at once, and can be customised so that you can include all the company registers that you need for export. Learn more

Succession Director report: We have added a new report for a comprehensive overview of all companies directors, including their respective ages. The Succession Director report provides valuable insights into the approaching retirement of company directors, to facilitate effective succession planning. Learn more
Public Officers relationship (trusts): If a trust carries on a business in Australia or derives income from property in Australia and there is no trustee who is an Australian resident, the trustee generally appoints a public officer. We have added the ability to add a Public Officer relationship to a trust, including the preparation of documents for Public Officers of Australian and New Zealand trusts.
Lodgement confirmation: We have added a lodge document warning message to confirm your intention to lodge a document to ASIC when clicking ‘lodge’ on the notification screen.
New users walkthrough: We have developed a user-friendly guide that demonstrates all the support materials accessible for new CAS 360 users. Making the new user experience easier and smoother!

Plus, many more new features and improvements. Remember to check out the full release notes on the CAS 360 Online Help and join the conversation in the BGL Community.