New Product: G-Accon for WorkflowMax
We are happy to announce that our new product G-Accon for WorkflowMax will be released in the G-Suite Marketplace in a couple of weeks. WorkflowMax is a powerful, flexible, end-to-end job management software, designed for small to medium businesses. WorkflowMax allows you to complete project management – starting from the quote and going all the way through job and invoice.
G-Accon for WorkflowMax lets you by-directionally connect Google Sheets to WorkflowMax. You can easily export data and reports, design your own custom reports, make changes, and upload data in bulk to WorkflowMax directly from Google Sheets.
You also have the ability to refresh your reports & dashboards automatically when you are offline using a flexible schedule. This could be hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. Furthermore, you can create BI dashboards by connecting your spreadsheets to Google Data Studio, Tableau, MS Power BI, Lookerk, and other BI tools.
New Reports: Aged Account Receivables/Payables Detail and Summary by Contact Groups
In a nutshell, an Aged Account Receivables Summary and Detail Report refers to a summary of all receivables that are due from customers at any given point in time. An AR aging report contains a list of your customers’ unpaid invoices beginning with the time the sales invoice was issued along with its duration. In other words, an Accounts Receivable Report lists the amount due from your customers.
Aged AR reports, on the other hand, help you to understand the financial health of your company. They determine the effectiveness of credit and collection functions, as well as help to identify existing irregularities in the collection process. An Aged Account Receivables Summary and Detail Report segregates the invoices in 30-day buckets from the day the invoice was issued to the customer to the present.
Unlike an Accounts Receivable Aging Report – which shows what your customers owe you – an Accounts Payable Aging Report gives a breakdown of what you owe your suppliers. Simply put, an Aged Account Payables Summary and Detail report gives you an overview of what your business owes for supplies, inventory, and services.
These new reports are very similar to the existing Aged Account Receivables/Payables Summary and Detail Report that allows you to display all of your outstanding invoices/bills and then organize them by the Contact Groups. Our new report, on the other hand, is designed to provide you with detailed information about your customers, suppliers, expenses, and more. The report displays detailed information on customers and supplier unpaid accounts. It includes invoice/bill dates, invoice/bill numbers, due dates, expected dates, contacts, contact groups, taxes, total, and so on. Use the following links to review detailed documentation on how to pull these reports: Aged Account Receivables Detail By Contact Groups and Aged Account Payables Detail By Contact Groups

New Features and Functionality
Account Transactions Report in Customer Currency
Now you have the ability to include two new currency fields in your Account Transactions report – Original Currency Code and Original Currency Rate. These allow you to view your account transactions in the original currency.

UI Changes and New Documentation
To better organize our application, we have introduced new changes to some of our menu options. For example, instead of the option Get Accounting Report, you now have Design Accounting Reports. Or instead of Get AU Payroll, you will now see Design AU Payroll Reports. Though the names are slightly altered, the functionalities remain the same.
A new G-Accon for Xero documentation website has been introduced, as well. It has a modern look and feel, more structured menu options, is easier to navigate, and includes more instructional videos, which we believe will help our customers better understand what our application has to offer.

AU Payroll Data – Timesheet Details
We have also updated Timesheet functionality for AU Payroll users. Now you should be able to see daily employee details in Timesheets.
Accounts Updates from Google Sheets to Xero
We have introduced another new feature that allows you to update your Chart of Account from Google Sheets. The easiest way to map your data to the Xero object field is to go to Add-ons -> G-Accon for Xero -> Reports Designer -> Design Accounting Report, and then select Accounts object (table) from the drop down menu and click on all attributes that you would like to upload. This gives you the structure that can be easily mapped and posted into your Xero account. Learn more