‘Approve’ and ‘Bulk Approve’ updates – RAVE Financial Update
We’ve added an ‘Approve’ state into the RAVE’s FMS Bill and Credit Note action buttons, this means a draft bill or credit note will now go from a draft to an approved status – and that when a document is approved, an audit entry is written.
Additionally, a ‘Bulk Approve’ option has also been added to the ‘Bills In’ page. Multi-bill payments now work on both project and branch levels with a slight change in the user interface.
Bulk Payment option added to the NEW ‘Bills In’ sub-tab – RAVE Financial NEW Feature
Following on from the bulk payment update for invoices, we’ve now implemented this for bills via RAVE FMS’s new ‘Bills In’ page. Multi-bill payments now work on both project and branch levels with a slight change in the user interface.

Invoices and Credit Notes ‘Xero Syncing’ update – RAVE Financial NEW Feature
With RAVE FMS’s Xero Syncing option turned on, any invoices and credits that were originally created by converting invoiceables in RAVE, will now auto-sync updates between RAVE and Xero.
NEW ‘Xero Status’ update – RAVE Financial NEW Feature
We have added a ‘Xero Status’ display to the bottom left corner of many RAVE FMS screens. This ‘Xero Status’ display lets RAVE FMS users know whether the branch is connected to Xero, and whether payment syncing is enabled or disabled.

‘Remind Assignee’ label change on the Schedule Task Details pop-up – RAVE Update
Updated as above

‘The total file size exceeds the limit of 25MB’ alert added to Quote Request and Messages – RAVE Update
Updated as above

Client Phone Number added to the ‘Maintenance’ Schedule Tasks Report – RAVE Update
The client’s preferred Client Contact Phone Number, if added, will now display on the Maintenance schedule tasks report table

‘Last Updated’ and ‘Updated By’ columns added to the Product Inventory page – RAVE Financial Update
Updated as above