Users Must Log In After a Password Change – RAVE Update
RAVE now requires users to log in via the web-browser and/or mobile app when their password is changed i.e. any current sessions are invalidated and the user must log in again to continue using RAVE.
Highlight Suspended Users in the Schedule Template Editor – RAVE Update
Users can now see suspended profiles when viewing and editing schedule templates in the schedule template editor. Suspended users are now disabled (greyed out) and have the title ‘suspended’ included in their profile reference.

Branch Name and date/time added to Key Tasks Report CSV Export – RAVE Update
Previously exported key task reports, were simply named ‘branch-key-tasks.csv’ – this made finding a specific report difficult when more than one key task report had been exported. We have now added the branch name, and exported date and time to the key tasks report CSV export file name i.e. ‘branch-key-tasks-rave-demo-galaxy-builders-05102023-115436.csv’

Rounding Cost Price to 4 Decimal Places – RAVE Financial Update
Suppliers, like Building Merchants, often provide RAVE users with invoices for line items that have rounding up to 3-4 decimal places.
Previously, users could charge to 4 decimal places in RAVE, but we restricted displaying only 2 decimal places.
Now, RAVE’s Financial Management System supports line items with 4 decimal places. This allows for more accurate calculations, and pricing (to the 4th decimal place) for financial documents and reports created by RAVE.