New search and filtering capability for custom reports in report builder
The report builder is one of the most used areas in XPM. However, partners have told us that custom reports are hard to manage and they needed more options to find, filter and organise these reports.
We’ve listened and have added brand new capabilities that remove the ‘hard to find’ hassles partners were dealing with. Now it is much easier to find custom reports because the search bar is right at the top of the report list. You can also filter by report type, who created the report, the date it was created or used, and who it’s assigned to.
It’s also simple to remove reports that haven’t been used for a long time and bulk delete any duplicates. Sample reports are now grouped together so it’s easier to find the one you want.

Another feature to help speed things up is the ability to add or remove multiple staff from one or more reports at the same time. It helps you keep track of who has access to which reports, and you can easily add new staff or remove those who don’t work with you anymore.

Everyone who uses XPM will see these new custom report features from today, 15 July 2020.
New XPM navigation aligns with Xero for better consistency and accessibility
From today, you can also see that the XPM navigation has changed. This is another improvement to bring Xero practice tools closer together so they’re easier for you to use.
The colour of the navigation bar is now more accessible to all people and it sits in line with blue Xero’s nav. So when you switch from Xero HQ to XPM and back, it’ll be quicker to find what you need. This same change is happening in green My Xero.
Please see this Xero Central article if you would like to find out more.