We have big news for our Xero users today. Unmatched transactions from the bank feed in Xero are now available in Syft!
All about Unmatched Transactions
The new Unmatched Transactions tab in Audit enables you to identify unmatched bank transactions in the Xero bank feed in the past 4 months per bank account. Unmatched transactions are pulled from the “Reconcile” tab in Xero and are waiting to be matched or allocated to invoices, bills, or the chart of accounts.
Pro tip 💡: You can navigate to the Cleanup view on Oversight to see how many unmatched transactions there are.
This is located in the Bank section of Audit and you can toggle between the old unreconciled and the new unmatched transactions if the company is Xero.

Note 📝: Only 4 months worth of data relative to current date.
In addition to this release, recently implemented fixes include the following:
- Sage One Unrealised currency gains/loss incorrectly showing has been resolved; and
- White label SSO fix.