Previous Period/Previous Year/YTD Comparison
We’ve delivered one of our most popular requests – now you can compare previous periods alongside previous year and year to date on a single report. With our enhanced Compare filter option you can now select Previous year and Financial year to date as additional column options.
You’ll find more information on this update over on our YouTube channel.

Report Filters – Date Locking
Our new “date locking” feature allows you to lock the Start and End dates together so that as you change the Start Date, the End Date will change with it. Simply click on the lock to turn it on and off. We now show the period length too so you can more easily see what period you’re reporting on.
Manual Companies – PL/BS Format
We’ve added another option for loading manual and imported company data. Now you can choose between Trial Balance format or Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss format. The new Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss format matches the data entry format to that which you see on the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss reports. It also provides support for an additional source data output format.
Report Pack Inline Edit
Editing your Report Packs just got a lot easier with our new Inline Editing feature. Now you can make changes while you’re viewing the report. Click on the Edit button to enter edit mode then click on the edit icon to make changes to each report and see the results there and then.

Custom Report Edit – Hide Hidden Elements
Now, when editing your custom reports, you can choose to hide hidden groups and formulas. This helps you to focus on what’s important and speeds up the custom report creation process.
Favourite Custom Reports
We’ve improved our custom reports favourite feature. You can already mark a custom report as a favourite so it appears in the main menu for easy access. Now though, you mark a favourite report while viewing the report results or editing the report.