We are delighted to announce that you can now carry out Standalone IDV and PEP checks in 2Shakes.
Many of our customers currently access the 2Shakes-Centrix Portal for ad-hoc checks. These can now be carried out directly in 2Shakes.
This brings added functionality and your branding to Standalone Checks, as well as giving you the new ability to use a Standalone Biometric ID Verification.
It also gives us a solid foundation to add Australian ID Verifications – our first priority in 2023.
We really hope you enjoy the new features in 2Shakes, which you can access directly from the link on the right of the Dashboard, or from the AML>Standalone Checks menu.

The Standalone Checks Dashboard
As soon as you click one of the new links, you’ll go to the Standalone Checks Dashboard.
Here you can start a new check, see the status of an existing check or review a verification report.
Although these checks are totally separate from Sign Up and AML Only client records, we have used the same familiar terms and processes, so you should feel at home straight away. Here is a look at the new Standalone Checks Dashboard.

At the top you can start a remote ID Verification (Biometric or Electronic) or start an Electronic IDV or PEP Check that you’ll do yourself.
Below those options, in progress and completed checks are listed as you’d expect. Clicking on the links in the table (in blue bold) takes you to the person’s report, links to a PEP hit, etc. There are a couple of links highlighted above.
The person’s report is similar to the existing 2Shakes IDV Reports, so again it will look familiar to you. With these being standalone checks some functionality is not included, such as adding Notes & Files, or completing Manually when an ID is not verified.
Remote IDV by Email
Starting with Remote IDV by Email, you click on Biometric IDV to get the action popup:

To Biometrically IDV your client, first enter their name then either:
- Enter their email and click Send Email
- Enter their mobile phone number and click Send SMS Text
Sending an email does the same as the existing Biometric IDV in 2Shakes. Alternatively, you can go straight to sending the SMS if you wish.
The Biometric IDV includes Biometric linking of the person and their ID, as well as an electronic verification of the ID data at source, address verification and a PEP Check. As you’d expect, when completed you’ll see a link to Review Results, and accept or decline.
The other Remote IDV by Email option is Electronic IDV, which brings up the following:

Here you enter the person’s name and email address then click Send Email.
They’ll receive a link to enter their ID information and consent to verification.
Please note the warning here – Electronic IDV is data verification only, and does not by itself meet the ID verification standard for AML, where you need a robust (e.g. Biometric) link between the person and the ID they are presenting. Unless you are taking (and recording) appropriate additional measures, we recommend Biometric IDV.
Electronic IDV includes verification of the ID data at source, address verification and PEP Check. Once the client has completed Electronic IDV you’ll see the result in the table and be able to click through to the full report.
I’ll do here and now
There are also two checks that you can carry out “here and now” – Electronic IDV and a PEP Check.
Under I’ll do here and now, click Electronic IDV to bring up the verification popup:

Here, you enter the person’s information yourself, and confirm you have their consent before you click Verify ID. After a short processing time, you’ll get an immediate verification.
The Electronic IDV here and now includes the same checks as Electronic IDV by email above, and comes with the same caveat regarding a robust link between the person and their ID, so if you are not taking and recording additional AML measures, please use Biometric.
The last Standalone Check, again in I’ll do here and now, is the PEP Check:

This is similar to carrying out the existing electronic PEP Check with a Manual IDV in 2Shakes. You only need to enter the person’s name and date of birth and click Check Person to carry out an immediate check.
The same as other PEP Checks in 2Shakes, both PEP and Sanctions databases are checked worldwide (excluding NZ PEPs, as per AML Legislation).
All the Standalone Checks cost the same as usual. And by carrying them out in the app rather than the 2Shakes-Centrix Portal you get everything on one bill.
So if you are currently using the Portal, you can start using Standalone Checks in 2Shakes instead. And you now get the Standalone Biometric option .
We really hope this update helps bring even more of your compliance into one place – because it should only take 2Shakes to be compliant!
And look out for updates in the new year where we will be adding Australian ID Verification into 2Shakes.