This means that for many firms, apps become cost-centres rather than the profit-centres they should be.
We’re switching that balance with the launch of the latest GoProposal feature called AppsMap™.
What does the AppsMap™ do?
The AppsMap™ enables accounting businesses to show how the apps they’re providing or recommending fit together and how the data flows between them.
You can choose an icon, insert a description and service schedule and determine the price you want to charge for that app, with as much sophistication or complexity as it needs.
The whole purpose of this is to give you the confidence to be the app authority in the client relationship.

How Do You Setup the AppsMap™ Feature?
Setup is really simple. All our GoProposal members have to do is, choose the apps they’re selling/recommending, assign an icon to that app and set the price (if you charge for it.)
After that point, your AppsMap™ will be automatically generated, every time you produce a proposal.
How Do We Get Started With The AppsMap™?
If you’re already a GoProposal member, just login to your app and head to Configure > Pricing Tool Setup > AppsMap.
There are support videos to help guide you and if you need any extra help, just message us in the live chat.