- Xero tracking categories issue has been fixed: We were aware of issues where Xero tracking categories that were filled in Paytron would appear blank after being pushed across to Xero. We're happy to share that our team have rectified the issue so all relevant information is now correctly updated in the tracking category section within Xero.
- Resend invite option now available: Previously sent an invitation request to a user but have yet to receive a response? You can now easily resend an invite or revoke an invite by heading to Teams > User > Click the 3 buttons next to their name.
- You can now tag someone in a note: Need to notify a user? Just "@(name)" in a note and the person tagged will receive an email notification.

- New condition available on Payment approval policies: You can now set a condition to filter by where the payment came from. E.g. Manual, Email, Invoice upload, Payroll, CSV, Reimbursement, etc. See the image below!