You may have noticed a few changes in our in-app branding recently and today we launched our new look website!
We’re super excited to announce that today we’re launching our newly branded website to help showcase a fresh and modern look that we feel will help demonstrate our innovative solutions better than ever.
This cleaner look and fresher colour palette replaces our dark blue and orange logo with a french blue and salmon shades which we feel is the perfect transition into our new look and feel. Some of our legacy customers may also notice our new logo is quite similar to our original logos from when we first started the company back in 2008. This ensures we can step into the future whilst still showing that we’re the same great company committed to customer service and innovative people software excellence.

Some of our old logos
We wanted to highlight our new pricing page to all of you too! With the launch of Appogee Time we needed a way to differentiate our HR solutions from our new project tracking software and using shades of blue and salmon seemed like a great way to highlight our offerings whilst still making it clear that our solutions are still the same and make it clear how you can purchase our different packages. Check it out here.
Some further highlights of our new design include the addition of more screenshots and more graphical representations of our products which you may have noticed on the home page and our product pillar pages and our connected dotted lines which feature on most of our pages to draw your eyes down and see how our solutions and different features all connect.
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll proceed to update our branding across our marketplace listings, social media accounts, videos and marketing collateral so if you may see some older branded items then please bear with us!
We hope you like the new design and are excited to see how we transition some of these elements into our app in the future. We’ll be keeping all of our customers updated via email and the alerts panel as and when we make updates to the look and feel of our app.
Do you have any questions or feedback? Email us at