Xero Education Month is in full swing with our community connecting and learning about topics ranging from making the most of Xero through to wellbeing and leadership.
You might not know this, but we have a whole team at Xero whose mission is to ensure everyone connected to us is successful – Customer Success. The team has been thrilled to be able to bring you Education Month to empower you to make the most of Xero and running a beautiful business. If you haven’t had the chance to join us yet, you can register here.
What does leadership look like in 2021?
One particular Education Month webinar we’re excited about is ‘What leadership looks like in 2021’. A crisis, such as COVID-19, highlights more than ever the importance of great leadership. Throughout 2020, the world witnessed varying leadership styles resulting in a range of outcomes for countries as a whole and for small businesses managing the impact of the pandemic on their family and colleagues.
With this being so topical we wanted to share with our community some key insights from leaders across Xero that apply no matter the size of your team or the objectives you’re trying to achieve. Last year, I felt very privileged to be surrounded and led by individuals who demonstrated clarity, communication and decisive decision-making, all while prioritising the wellbeing of their fellow colleagues and Xero customers.
Leveraging past lessons to lead into the future
The session focuses on key leadership learnings from 2020 and how we can use those lessons as we look to 2021 and beyond. You’ll hear from people across each of our offices around the world as well as from our global leadership team including Steve Vamos, CEO, Rachael Powell, CCO, and Anna Curzon, CPO.
“Leadership is about change. It is about supporting change for the better. When you look at it, it’s not technology that’s driving change, it’s people who are. The organisation itself doesn’t change unless the people change. Leadership is really about deeply considering and caring about the impact on people and how they can come on that change journey, contribute to it, and be supported through it” says Steve.
We’ll also share our biggest challenges and lessons learned from 2020, our beliefs on what great leadership looks like and what makes us optimistic about the future.
If you are starting off in your leadership journey, have been leading a team or business for a while or are somewhere in between I have no doubt you’ll gain value from this session.
We look forward to connecting with you during our upcoming webinar.
Join us to learn more during Xero Education Month
Start 2021 by gaining the skills and knowledge you need to build your business with Xero. If you’re in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom or EMEA, register now.
We’ll be opening registrations for Asia and the US shortly, with Canada to follow later in the year.