New Annual Subscription Plans
We’ve updated our Subscription and Billing page and added brand new annual plans. Giving you the flexibility to choose to pay monthly or annually and saving you up to 25% if you choose an annual plan.

Report Packs – Commentary
A further update to our Report Packs feature is the ability to add commentary. You can choose to add any text you want to each report in a Report Pack. Make comments on the key figures or highlight important points – you’re in control.

Report Packs – download to Excel
Building on our new Report Packs feature we’ve released an update which allows you to download a Report Pack in Excel format. Each report in the pack will appear in a separate worksheet. This combines the power of Report Packs and Excel giving you a wide range of possibilities for customisation, calculation and presentation.

Custom Reports – Raw Numbers
In Custom Reports you can now add raw numbers to formulas along with Group totals and the results of other Formulas. This can be used for a wide variety of purposes such as calculating a specific percentage or adjusting by a fixed amount.

Company % Ownership
We’ve delivered this very popular request – now you can assign a percentage ownership to each of your Xero, QuickBooks or Sage entities in Joiin. If you need to consolidate partially-owned subsidiaries or more complicated organisational structures this can be easily handled in Joiin.

Coming Soon
There’s more on the way – we’ve got some exciting new features coming to Joiin that we’ll be announcing shortly.