Hey team, you’ve been giving us feedback, and we’ve heard you loud and clear! Take a look at the newest addition to Rave’s Financial Management System: Our shiny new Timesheets feature! Now, you can easily convert some or all of your site manager/staff and office team member timesheet entries directly into a project’s bill, to make invoicing your client a breeze.
Once converted to a bill, all timesheet entries that have been partially/fully converted to a bill will have a ‘Part of Bill’ icon displayed. We’ve also added the ability to enter your staff hourly rates to their user profile, to save you having to manually load that each time.
> A full step-by-step guide is available via RAVE Helps ‘How to Convert a Project’s Time Sheet Entries to a Bill’ FAQ guide.

To gain access to our new Timesheets to Bills feature, and all of RAVE’s Financial Management System workflows and reports – please reach out to us via phone 07 210 2228 or email help@ravebuild.co.nz